Pet Travel
Pets’ moving between countries is common now. Prior to 2004 a 6-month quarantine was required of pets coming into Ireland other than from the UK. Then a pet passport was introduced that required the pet to be microchiped. Rabies vaccination, and a blood sample taken after 30 days for antibody titre. Then a 6 months period had to elapse before date of re-entry. New Entry Requirements into Ireland from 1 January 2012 (Except from UK) From 1 January 2012 the rabies vaccination requirement for pets entering Ireland is being harmonised with requirements throughout the European Union. Entry from other EU Member States and qualifying (low risk) countries:
Entry from non-qualifying (high risk) countries: Which is every country not listed as low risk.
Tick & Tapeworm Treatment. These treatments must be carried out by a Vet and certified on your pets’ passport. The information on this page is intended as a guideline. In all cases, if you wish to travel abroad with your pet, you must satisfy yourself of the conditions that must be met by contacting the Irish Department of Agriculture, your carrier for the trip, and the embassy of the country you are visiting, and any country that you intend passing through. Help-line 1890 504 604 From outside Ireland: 353 1 607 2827 E-mail: Please see our links page for other sources of information. Pet PassportsThe EU Pet Passport System came into effect in Ireland on the 3rd July, 2004. Village Veterinary are now authorised by the Department of Agriculture to issue Passports directly to our clients for their pet for International Travel. |